Simple, Fast and Effective
ReadyAlert™ Services, LLC, grew from devastation of 9-11-2001. The founders of ReadyAlert™ Services, LLC, worked for an investment company that lost over 100 employees in this tragic event. Immediately after the attack, stories of bravery and heroism mixed with unbearable pain and loss began to surface.
One such story was about a CIO caught in traffic on the freeway watching as the first plane crashed into the second of the two towers of the World Trade Center. The CIO tried in vain to use his cell phone to contact his employees in the other, or first, tower, to tell them to get out of the building. Then to his horror, he watched the second plane hit the first tower. His employees were just a few floors away from where the plane hit.
Like the entire country, ReadyAlert’s™ founders were in shock. They were trying to find bits of news; anything that would tell them if any of their associates were still alive. Landline phones were useless and cell phone calls continually received the “all circuits are busy” message.
Throughout September 11, 2001, and for many days thereafter, the founders of ReadyAlert™ experienced first hand that the most available and reliable communications technology in New York City was wireless text messaging. Several of their associates who had escaped before the second plane hit the first tower, and were able to send text messages to family, friends, and office associates to let people know they were safe.
Having lived through this disaster and having analyzed the aftermath of this tragedy, the founders of ReadyAlert™ decided that a text-based emergency response notification service was not just a good business opportunity but a critically needed service; and so ReadyAlert™ Services, LLC, was established to meet that need.
ReadyAlert™ Services, LLC, was officially founded in 2003. From the beginning, ReadyAlert’s™ founders decided the alert notification service had to be secure and reliable, affordable for the masses, and it had to be very simple to operate or people would not use it. They started on the task to design a fool-proof system with the capability to contact one or millions of folks in minutes, that would be very easy to use, and one so affordable it could be used by a large number of people.
ReadyAlert™ has been used in multiple industry wide applications from Fire Departments to Business Disaster Planning. To learn more about some of the uses in each industry just click the category link below.
Send alerts in as little as 2 clicks and know your recipients received the message.
Robust Feature Set
We provide our users with the most flexible, easy to use feature sets on the market today.
Cost Effective
Sending alerts and maintaining your companies profile, users, etc... shouldn't break the bank. Call us today to find out more!
Making sure we meet our customers expectations is our goal
By providing and combination of excellent customer service and great support our team at ReadyAlert™ works hard to ensure our customers are satisfied.
Excellent customer support
Customer feedback found in most of our features
Quick Turn-Around
Easy to use
Fast, Convenient and Effective
I put ReadyAlert™ through three weeks of stringent testing before I recommended it to my Chief. It is the most bulletproof system I have seen.
- NASA Engineer \ Volunteer Fireman
I have been in the emergency provider business for 30 years; ReadyAlert™ is the best I have seen.
- County Emergency Team Leader
ReadyAlert™ is the most responsive company I have done business with. They listen and are customer focused.
- Law Enforcement Officer